I recently changed up my Skin Care Routine. Here is the one I currently use:

I start by cleansing my face with a gentle acne wash. I have very sensitive skin, so I use Neutrogena. It's very gentle and never irritates my skin, but I always feel really clean and refreshed after using it.
Next, I use a tightening toner. I really love this one:

but since it can be a bit pricey, I am using the CVS version right now. I've been just as pleased with it, and it's a ton cheaper!
After toning, I usually apply my moisturizer. Since my face is extremely pale, I've been using Jergen's natural glow. It's already darkened my tone significantly!

After my moisturizer I usually start with my mineral makeup. I've switched to mineral make-up because it doesn't "cake" my face and clog my pores like liquid makeup does. I do still use a liquid concealer, just because I feel that I don't get enough coverage with the powders.
Then onto my p.m. routine:
I usually start by taking off my makeup with a remover. I like these:

I received a sample of Lancome's makeup remover and really loved it! My only complain is that it is very, very oily and the lid is not ideal for disposing. I ended up spilling the remover multiple times and finally throwing it away because it kept going everywhere! The quality of the remover is fantastic though, and I'd definitely recommend the product.

I believe Almay makeup remover was the very first I ever used! I love the formula and it works fantastic. I've branched out and tried new products lately, so I haven't used this one in about a year or two.

I've recently used Expert Eyes by Maybelline. I really like the product and it works quickly, without much scrubbing, but it can be a little expensive, especially if you use a lot like I do.
I then wash my face with the soap listed above, and rotate a scrub every 2-3 days to keep my skin fresh and exfoliated.
I follow up with toner and then a heavy night cream ( I use mark. skin brightener right now)
What is your skin care routine??