Friday, July 9, 2010

let's see how far we've come.

I can't believe it's been ONE YEAR and TWO MONTHS with my sweetie!!!! =)
That's outstanding I think.
I was going through my pictures and I decided to post some random ones taken throughout last year and this year.
Apparently I was much more into picture taking last year than I am this year, because I have next to none of this year so far!
Ooops! Guess I'd better get on that.
Anyways these pictures make me so happy and each time I look at them I can't help but beam and smile.
I love you, bart.

At a clemson baseball game. I think we had just started dating at this point. The weather was extremely humid and horrible! But I still remember that it was such a blast being with Bart =).

This was taken just before prom 2009. We actually weren't dating at this time.. but we loved each other, when just hadn't shared that fact yet!

This picture was taken the day after our wreck, January 2nd 2010. This day was so surreal yet happy.

This was a Sunday afternoon sometime this winter. The weather had finally begun to warm up, so we decided to spend the afternoon at the park =).

Just before prom 2010!

goofing off at the park =)


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